First Visit

What to expect at your first appointment

Please allow for 1 hour and 30 minutes for your initial comprehensive exam appointment so that we can have the opportunity to get to know more about you, your health history and your dental history.

Your first appointment at Prairie Creek Dental will consist of a review of your health and dental history, a comprehensive examination that includes charting of dental conditions, charting of your periodontal health, an evaluation of your Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ), and oral cancer screening. Dental x-rays will be taken to adequately diagnose and treatment plan. The type and amount of x-rays needed will be determined based on your exam and individual needs. (Please see our x-ray policy below.) All of this will help us to aid in diagnosing and treatment planning any dental needs you may have. If there is enough time left in your appointment, a dental cleaning will be completed as well. Please note that a dental cleaning is not always possible or advisable at your first appointment.

Our goal is to make each new patient feel comfortable and listened to at your initial appointment while addressing any dental concerns or questions you may have. We will review all diagnoses and treatment recommendations that come from the information gathered from your comprehensive exam and establish the next steps in your treatment plan before you leave the office.

Please bring the following to your appointment:

  • Driver's License
  • Dental Insurance Card
  • New Patient Forms* (if not completed online)
*In order to streamline the check-in process, all new patient forms will be emailed or texted to you prior to your appointment so that you can fill them out at your own convenience. If you are uncomfortable filling out your paperwork online, no problem, we will have them available in the office, we just ask that you arrive 10-15 minutes before your appointment time to fill them out.

Prairie Creek Dental X-ray Policy:

Dental x-rays are extremely safe and are a vital component of our ability to provide the highest quality care. With digital radiographs, the amount of radiation exposure from dental x-rays is extremely low. Accurate treatment planning and quality care cannot be provided without the vital information that dental x-rays provide. We know some patients are anxious about the frequency to which dental x-rays are taken. We always tailor x-ray needs to the individual patient in order to limit the amount taken to what is clinically necessary and what is recommended by the American Dental Association.

If you have had x-rays taken at your previous dentist, we can assist in contacting that office to determine the date of those services and to transfer those records to our office. Please be aware that radiographs received from your previous office may not correspond to your current needs. If Dr. Mathis determines the x-rays received are not of quality to accurately aid in diagnosis or are out of date, new x-rays will need to be taken.

Dr. Mathis does reserve the right to refuse treatment to any patient who does not comply with her recommendations on obtaining x-rays. If you have any questions or would like to further discuss the safety of dental x-rays, please let us know at your appointment.